Sunday, December 2, 2007

Back Pain - Did You Know About The Triangle?

Are you one of the many that have back pain? Are you tired and stressed because your back pain now rules your life? Are you confused as to why you have tried so many things yet your back pain remains?

Don't worry you are good company. Over 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage. Almost 90% of these people will suffer from recurring bouts of back pain. Eventually these same people will have their older years in chronic back pain misery.

It sounds frightening doesn't it? The most frightening thing is this...

Back pain is easily solved if you understand the Back Pain Triangle.

Now you probably have never heard of this triangle. It is not a product, a system or package. The Back Pain Triangle is the understanding behind why you continually suffer from back pain.

Back pain arises from 3 separate areas. If you do not correct all 3, then back pain will return. So what are these 3 areas?

Back Pain Triangle - side 1

The first side to the triangle is the easiest to understand and the area that most concentrate on. This is why so much back pain remains today.

The first side is the structural causes of back pain - tight muscles, weak muscles and joint imbalance.

If you correct all of these then the structural causes of back pain will ease. However, these are re-created if the other two sides of the triangle are not in balance. Research has shown that the trauma caused by lifting an object, or doing a normal daily activity (the most common causes of back pain), is not sufficient to create back pain.

This means the physical trauma that you thought caused your back pain ... didn't! It came from a build up of tension, from physical causes and from the other two sides to the back pain triangle.

Back Pain Triangle - side 2

The second side is less understood, but as much a cause of back pain. Your general health affects your back. If you are tired, have bowel complaints (minor or major), hormonal imbalances, immune problems or are just generally not 100% healthy, then back pain is more likely.

For example, your lower back is affected by your bowel. If you suffer from constipation, diarrhea, gas and wind, bloating ... then there is extra pressure on your lower back. This can set your lower back in a state of tension where when you lift, your back does not have the strength it needs.

Suddenly you have back pain from lifting an object you have lifted a hundred times before.

If you are tired, your muscles tire. Notice how when you have a flu/cold your muscles feel sore also. All of these set you up so back pain is more likely.

Hence your general health is just as important as your structural health.

Back pain Triangle - side 3

The final side is probably the most important. The third side is your emotional health.

This does not mean depression or anxiety, although these are important also.

But your general stress levels affect your back. If you are stressed, anxious, worried or generally not at ease, then muscles tighten. There is a saying that "stress rides on your shoulders".

This means when you mind is overactive, you are not coping too well, and then your muscles in your upper back tighten. Notice how if you get someone to squeeze your shoulder muscles after a busy day how they feel like rocks and are very tender.

Stress affects not just your shoulder muscles, but the entire muscular system. You notice your shoulders, because being hunched over a desk it is these that you are working the most. Nut all muscles are tighter when you are stressed.

So to remove back pain once and for all, you need to address the physical, general and emotional causes to your back pain. Don't worry, the other two sides are actually easier to eliminate than the physical side, and take less time and effort.

Are you one of the over 80% of adults suffering from back pain? Then you need simple, valuable and expert advice - visit The Back Pain Advisor

If you have back pain, neck pain or sciatica ... do you want to get rid of it once and for all ... then click here The X-Pain Method -

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