Friday, August 28, 2009

Medical Assistant Training School

There are lots of opportunities for gaining education and accreditation out there, even online. Take for instance, getting trained in the area of allied health.

Signing up with an online medical assistant training school will enable you to get accreditation as one of the following:

* Medical Assistant
* Medical Office Assistant
* Medical Coding Specialist
* Electrocardiograph (EKG) Technician
* Patient Care Technician

Studying online makes it convenient for students who would not have to physically go to class or relocate to where the school is. Studying online also enables students to continue working putting themselves through school.

Xbox 360 from Microsoft

Lots of things cause stress in our life - work, family, a host of others and procrastination to get stuff done in time. It's August already. Do you think it's too early to shop for Christmas? Not for some people.

Sam, a colleague, just sent in an order for an XBox for a nephew. No, it's not for Christmas but for his birthday coming up late October. Sam believes that getting things done early relieves the stress of having the undone job nagging at the back of his mind.

Being the serious gamer that his nephew is, Sam is sure he will have loads of fun with this XBox 360 from Microsoft. The Internet has made shopping so convenient. You can buy Xbox consoles, all the essential accessories and, of course, the games - sports games, action, strategy and racing games - all in one store. Now, that is a stress relief, wouldn't you say? It sure pays to be ahead of the game.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Keeping Floor Tiles Clean and Well-maintained

If you have small children at home, it is important to keep your home clean. Toddlers at home tend to spend a lot of time on the floor, playing with toys on the floor, picking up things from the floor, lying on the floor, etc.

Floors of homes are either carpeted, covered with rugs or just left floor-tile bare. It does not matter what the floor is lined with or bare, cleanliness is important for the well-being of the entire family from the young to the old.

Many people prefer leaving the floor bare. For one thing, it is easier to clean and secondly, it prevents allergies. A clean home is a healthy home whereby every ceramic tile needs to be cleaned of dirt and grime. Knowing the right cleaning detergent to use is essential, of course.

Announcing A Baby's Arrival

A bookstore is a treasure-trove of delightful finds. The other day, I was browsing the shelves for a good cookbook that I could get a friend and came across some lovely cards for baby announcements.

Those were very cute cards. There were baby announcements for both boys and girls, christening and baptism invitations, as well as baby shower invitations. I know who would have use for them later on. A colleague who is on the family way.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fatty Foods Affect Memory and Exercise Performance

If you are a fan of high-fat food, you may want to go easy on it from now on. Research has shown that fatty foods affect short-term memory and exercise performance.

It’s already known that long-term consumption of a high-fat diet is associated with weight gain, heart disease and declines in cognitive function. But the new research shows how indulging in fatty foods over the course of a few days can affect the brain and body long before the extra pounds show up.

Even though exercise is a good way of burning off the excess fat, but in terms of actually trying to put in a good time if you’re running, it will limit your performance.

Source: Fatty Foods Affect Memory and Exercise - NY Times

Monday, August 10, 2009

Face shape clue to mental decline

Interesting article from the BBC

Men with symmetrical faces are less likely to lose their memory and intelligence in later life, according to researchers.

Psychologists at the University of Edinburgh found a link between facial symmetry and mental performance between the ages of 79 and 83.

The researchers analysed results of the 1932 Scottish Mental Survey and mapped the faces of subjects from photographs.

They said it could show a link between physical condition and mental decline.

Facial symmetry, the researchers argued, may indicate a man has experienced fewer genetic and environmental disturbances such as diseases, toxins, malnutrition or genetic mutations during his development.

Dr Lars Penke, who led the study, said: "Previous research has suggested that cognitive decline is an aspect of body-wide ageing. This link could show that facial symmetry can be used as a marker which could predict this decline."

The team was unable to find comparable results in women.

One explanation suggested by the researchers was that DNA has a different effect on ageing among women. Another theory was that mental decline is delayed in women because, on average, they live longer.

The results of the study have been published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.

Monday, August 3, 2009

How to Get the Lowest Rates for Term Life Insurance

When it comes to insurance, do you sometimes wish that there is someone on hand to give you some term life insurance advice, for example?

These days, most of what we are looking for can be obtained online. We just need to know where to look.

Term life insurance is what everyone of us should have. If you can qualify for an insurance company's preferred rates, you can save a bundle of money for as long as you keep your policy.

There are a few things to keep in mind in preparing for your physical exam. Just follow these seven easy steps 24-hours before your exam and you will be on the right track to qualifying for the lowest rates available.

1. Get plenty of sleep the night before your exam.

2. Try to avoid stress of any kind. It can cause artificially high blood pressure and pulse readings.

3. Avoid alcoholic beverages of any kind. They also can cause artificially high blood pressure and pulse readings.

4. Avoid all tobacco.

5. Avoid all forms of caffeine beverages including cola. (Same reason. Tobacco and caffeine, like alcohol, can cause artificially high blood pressure and pulse readings.)

6. Avoid all foods high in salt content. Read the labels on any frozen or packaged food before you eat them.

7. Avoid eating eggs and all other high cholesterol foods at least a day, or even two days, before your exam.

8. One EXTRA point! Don't forget to follow all the fasting requirements you were told about when you made your medical appointment.

Learn How to Play the Piano on Your Own

Time constraint is a big hurdle to reckon with. It deprives many of us from accomplishing many things that we would like to do. Take piano lessons, for example. The musically-inclined among us would really like to pick up learning a musical instrument. However, time is a factor.

Fortunately, we can now pick up a skill at our own pace.
Technology has come to the rescue. We are now able to learn to play the piano without physcially attending classes. Isn't that cool?

How to Pick the Best Fat Burners

People in general want to look good and feel good though sometimes, it is easier said than done. With most of us going through schedules full of activities, one hardly can afford time out to exercise to stay trim and fit. This could be the reason why some of us resort to ready-made fat burners.

The key is to be sure to opt for effective fat burners and supplements by researching and going through reviews to filter out the lesser products and believe me, there are lots of such in the market.