Here are a few sites I came across that might be useful to you if you are a caregiver to a cancer patient, or a patient yourself. Be strong.
The breast cancer site. (It provides an opportunity for visitors to help fund mammograms. The least one can do.)
The Oncolink is the Web's first cancer resource
Nutritional Solutions provides information on how to maximize Cancer Therapy with nutrition and herbs that enhance the efficacy of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy treatments, while safely reducing their toxic side effects. It also provides information on utilizing cutting-edge, scientifically-based strategies to help control cancer with wholesome foods and natural dietary supplements.
The National Cancer Institute site offers valuable cancer-related health information and insights about the exciting work being conducted by NCI-supported scientists throughout the country. For the general public and health professionals, there is consumer-oriented information on a wide range of topics as well as comprehensive descriptions of the research programs.
Cancer NewsWatch
As a caregiver to his wife, Lori, Cary Miller decided to set up a home to house any useful information he can find so that it will be easily accessible to caregivers, patients, and the general public alike. Lori maintains a blog about her life battling with cancer.
How is Mesothelioma treated?
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